Breaking through the noise

If we could just get out of our own way things would be a lot better. Not only in our careers but in our lives, we are often faced with “noise”. This noise is not any kind of noise, this noise is a message breaker, a life pause, an aggravating prick in the finger. If we can detach ourselves from the 3 things below or even learn how to refocus, our life would exhale a sigh of relief.
Fear conditions us to fail. It stops us from taking the “leap” for new jobs, new relationships, enrolling in school, starting a new business, traveling the world, learning a new language. Fear stops us in our tracks, but fear can be overridden, it can be conquered and put in its place. To obtain any of these things I just named you must say two words, “I’ll try”. A try is like a key to breaking through the noise of fear. A try unlocks the gate, it unfreezes the mind and breaks you out of the box of “I can’t”. So, before you oppose applying for the job because you feel you are under-qualified or inadequate first say those two words, “I’ll try”.
Secondly, break through the noise of distractions. Distractions come in many forms such as TV, people, worry, doubt, even self. A distraction breaks the focus of the goal that is trying to be achieved. The way technology is fighting for our attention with our phones, emails, iPad, and video games, running to answer the phone, checking the notifications, it’s no wonder why we are pulled in many directions and can’t seem to focus. Unfortunately, distractions will always be there but there are ways to limit those distractions.
Here are 3 ways to limit distractions:
Pause all technology- Work on the project, meeting or concept with your technology on silent temporarily. You will get more work done.
Establish a mantra -Establish a mantra for your life or some type of affirmation that refocuses you when you start to worry or have doubt. One example could be, “I live in the NOW, tomorrows problems do not hinder me”. This mantra will then take residence in your head over the negative thought.
Find a quiet place- Your quiet place could be at a waterfront, at a beach, at your home office, even in your car. Your quiet place is the place where you can fully give that project all your attention.
Thirdly, breaking away from negative people. Some people try to take all your time, energy, and treasure. It’s often done without you even noticing it because you are so used to being in those types of situations. Some negative people beat you down with their words or their actions and tend to suck the very life from you. It’s hard to be creative, joyful, focused, or friendly, when you have someone in your circle that never applauds you, or always jealous of you. Detach yourself from toxic people, people that seem to always have a problem with you or others.
If you can break the tether of those 3 things I mentioned above you will surely let out the potential that’s been screaming to get out.
Break away from the noise... become a better you!