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How to Pivot on Purpose in 2019

So, 2019 is here… now what?

There are so many possibilities in the world, so many adventures to try, so many risks to take, so many yes(s,) and no (s), I do(s), I will, I may, I won’t, who cares, I’ll try, probably, and I’ll see. So, what do you do with this new year?

Take flight!

A pivot comes in many forms in life. Maybe you are in a job and you recognize its time for a change. According to one of the definitions in pivot means a “turning point”. Whether on purpose or it was prompted by something a pivot can be very necessary in life. It’s up to you how you adjust after the pivot.

Personal moment: I had to pivot after I got sick a year and a half ago. I lost my job and had to figure out how to recover after I was well. In those moments when you are unable to understand what your “next “is --- ideas come flooding your mind if you pay attention to them, resources come out of the blue and opportunities are awakened. I took that moment and created, molded myself, researched, prayed, connected with every opportunity to get me to my turning point.

Doubt and fear came to mind during that process, but I overcame each thought and casted it down so that my pivotal moment would be as beneficial to me as it could be. Elon Musk stated, “failure is an option, if things are not failing, you are not innovating enough." That holds true, there is a resistance that usually comes with moving forward, so in 2019 make sure you push through the resistance to change, dream, discover or create.

Redirection should not be looked at as a missed opportunity. Redirection is an evaluating moment where you must make a choice to either wallow in what you thought you missed or look at the opportunity in new lenses and see what you can get out of a second chance.

Even if you don’t know how to navigate that scene. Richard Branson states, “if somebody offers you an amazing opportunity but you are not sure you can do it, say yes--then learn how to do it later!"

Say yes!

Say yes, to anything in 2019 that will grow you mentally, spiritually, physically and emotionally. Everyday I try to feed my mind something new. I either read, learn how to do something, or I’m looking at DIY videos on YouTube, or learning how to be more self-aware. If your YES can grow those areas I mentioned above then your pivoting moment won’t be bad.

Here are some reasons you may need to pivot:

  1. Tired of your job or a situation

  2. From sickness or an ailment

  3. Family situation

  4. Company needs to change their image/brand.

  5. Business strategy needs changing.

  6. Just want to pivot.

What you will get out of pivoting:

1.Learned lessons

2. Understanding your value (Aha moment)

3. New doors opening

4. Identifying new opportunities

5. Self-awareness

Don’t let 2019 deter you from an amazing new year. Recover, reclaim, and SOAR into 2019. Let’s pivot expeditiously!

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